Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

Original price was: £23.95.Current price is: £13.75.

Have serious fun while burning some serious amounts of calories! RRP£42.75

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Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

Hula Hoop Training?

Yes! Hula hooping can also be an amazing calorie burning fitness tool, and it’s actually a fun way to train, (fun & training 🤔 don’t normally go together, I know). But it actually is fun, and with hula hoop training being an all over body workout, you only need to dedicate 105 full minutes out of the 10080 minutes a week to look after yourself. In my opinion it’s amazing!

Healthier Heart, Healthier Mind, A Healthier You!Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

There are 10080 minutes (168 hours) in a full week, but with the pressures, the stress, and the worry that comes with life and work it can sometimes feel like there’s not enough minutes in a day or a week. Although if we do not take time to de-stress, and to look after number one (OURSELVES), then we will find ourselves with serious heath issues, maybe even in an early grave. Is this fair on ourselves or our families?

The thing is, in the back of our minds we actually know this to be true, but the thing is, I couldn’t afford 60 minutes a day to spend training to keep fit and healthy, nor the high monthly gym fees.

Hula hooping only takes 35 minutes a day 3 days a week and to try to cut your sugar intake (even by half), and within as little as 12 weeks you will see and feel a significant difference in your fitness, your oxygen levels, your daliy moods, your mental health, your belief in yourself, your all-round mindset, and your body mass. You will be on your way to being the best version of yourself!

The 7 Major Benefits of the Doing Hoop Exercise: Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:


You may think that hula hooping is done mostly on your waist, and while that may be true for beginners, most hula hoopers enjoy using the hoop on their whole body. You can hoop on your chest, shoulders, hips, knees, arms, hands, feet and more. Even when you’re just hooping on your waist, it works as many as 30 different muscles! Think of it this way, that is 30 different muscles tightening, flexing, and working together including your brain for 30+ minutes. That all leads to a lot of toned up muscle over a short few months of training.


There is amazing team at the American Council on Exercise did a study that showed waist hooping can burn over 400 calories per hour. To give you some perspective that’s similar to an hour of tennis, hiking, on a rowing machine, and even doing a 80 minute continuous swimming session.


Waist hooping works your core like no other exercise. Using muscles both in your abdomen (upper and lower abdominal muscles) as well as muscles in your back, you can strengthen the core as well as burn nasty abdominal fat. As you continue hooping and your new and tightened core will infact help your overall posture. You will find yourself walking straighter,  taller and with more confidence.


Cardiovascular exercise (“cardio” & “aerobic exercise”) results in an improved heart health by both strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, allowing it to pump more efficiently and reducing both heart rate and blood pressure. Engaging in cardiovascular exercise has been shown to have many benefits for lifelong health and can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Do 3 x 30 minutes of hooping a week, and you will be amazed at how much younger and fitter you will feel in a very sort time frame.

After just 12 weeks I could already see the inches that I had lost especially around my ‘flanks’ (the love handles) area, I had actually come to believe, I was going to have love handles for the rest of my life as no other training had worked beforehand.

Yes, my ‘flanks’ shrinking was extremely joyful, although the best change in me has to be how I feel inside. I am feeling less stressed, I can breathe better, and my head feels less cloudy in the fact that I feel fresher, and I feel more energetic. Your energy levels and the feeling good within myself actually started improving in as little as 6 weeks. I am now over a year in and I am a much better version of myself than the me of 12+ months ago.

The best part my diet did not have to drastically change, yes I cut back on my sugar intake, and eat more protein, fruit & fibre, but that was going to happen anyway because my eating rubbish had gotten out of hand. I was eating almost a full packet of biscuits with each of the 4 or 5 cups of tea a day, and I already take 2 sugars in my tea. I still have 3 biscuits with my 2/3 teas a day, plus it gets easier to not want more tea and biscuits as you begin to look and feel better inside and physically.


Hula hooping can improve flexibility of your spine, hips, and entire body. Waist hooping is a rhythmic movement requiring purposeful non-rigid back and forward and side to side, movements. As you progress in your skill as a hooper, you will also be improving your overall flexibility, not just through your core but through your hips, chest, shoulders, and extremities.


The relaxation response that is elicited during yoga and meditation can also be achieved with rhythmic aerobic exercise – like hula hooping! The movement of hooping can be very meditative, and it’s easy to spend 30 minutes with your hoop, connecting to your body and the music while relaxing and de-stressing your mind.


There is no better reason to hula hoop than “IT IS SIMPLY FUN!” There are so many health benefits to hooping, but the reason that most people pick up their hoops day after day is that it makes them feel happy and playful. This is because hooping boosts your Qi – the life force inside all of us. You will feel happier, fitter, and more alive if you just pick up a hula hoop and start hooping regularly.

Real Life Successful Hoop Training Transfermations:Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

ARE YOU STILL SKEPTICAL THAT HOOPING REALY & TRULY BURNS CALORIES FAST?Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

If so! Then you need to do the 3-4-4 hooping challenge.

It is only a 4-month challenge that you put your all into. So, before starting this challenge, we recommend that you weigh yourself, take images and measurements of your belly & flanks area (front and side views), as well as your thighs, plus remember the tightness of your buttocks.

The way you will look at the end of this challenge will be dependent on how much effort you have put into your sessions. An important thing to remember do not judge your final results based solely on what your scales might show, because yes hula hooping will burn fat but it will also build muscle and tone up your entire body, and muscle weighs heavier than fat!

So judge your end results on how you look and feel. Also on ‘if’ or ‘if not’ your oxygen levels have risen and you are starting to feel fitter, toner, lighter, and happier.


Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

Just remember that once your 3-4-4 challenge is done, you will only be at the start of  your hooping workout life journey. So the 4 months challenge is to show you that hula hooping is truly a calorie combustion workout, and can help towards a much healthier and fitter looking body and mind.

So you need to judge your results based on your starting weight, fitness level, measurement, and if you put your everything into each 30 minute session. If you did, then congratulations on your results!

(We recommend taking images so you can compare the before you to the after only 4-month you. Plus your memory images will not remember every inch that you had at the start).

DON’T STOP THERE! KEEP ON HOOPING & REAP THE REWARDS:Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

You are on your way to having a;

  • Thinner & Toner Waist
  • Wrapped Butt
  • Flatter Belly
  • Improved Posture
  • Most importantly, a healthier and fitter YOU!

ADJUSTABLE WEIGHT LEVELS:Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

This means you can start your training based on the weight of the steel hoop and the luxury 2 layers of soft padding foam. Then if and when you’re ready you can begin to increase the weight of your hoop by adding some sand, beans, steel balls, rice, etc for a more intense workout. Always remember to put one of the included plugs in the end of the pole opening, make sure they’re in good and tight so that none of your weight escapes.

Installation and Dismantling: Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

To take it apart for storage or travel, simply run your finger over the joint area until you feel a hard bulge this will be the steel button. Press the button down firmly and pull apart, if it will not detach this means the button is not fully down, so you need to apply more pressure.

Tough, Durable, Anti-friction Cushioned Foam Material & Upgraded Longer Lifespan Steal Base:Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

A very sturdy longer lasting steel constructed pole base and locking system. Protected by a tough, durable and breathable inner layer of environmental friendly NBR foam. There is then a thick, smooth layer of the same foam material, and its job is to protect your body from feeling the steel pole and to cushion your hips for a more enjoyable anti-friction workout.

Unique Massaging Design:Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:

This hoop has a unique concave-convex design, and smooth, anti-friction, and breathable foam material that can massage your waist during rotation. This unique design also allows for a much better air flow.

Workout Anytime /Anywhere! By Yourself or in a Group

Anyone Can Start Hooping Today!Aionly.; Upgraded Stainless Steel Hula Hoops with a Double-Layer of Thick Breathable Premium NBR Foam Material for a Longer Lifespan:



Grey-Blue, Pink-Blue

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